COUCHDETECTIVES.COM is poised to become “the YouTube of crime”, a crowd-sourced video-sharing website where users can search, view and post videos and photos of crimes.

To actually make a difference in our world using natural powers of observation, communication and teamwork.

You really will make a difference in this innovative fast-growing community of COUCHDETECTIVES who assist in solving crimes, aid investigations and provide valuable information to law enforcement & forensic experts.
It’s free to post or view crimes or REGISTER if you want to post crimes or information!
To have the ability to actually make a difference in our world using natural powers of observation, communication and teamwork: that’s what makes great Couch Detectives.
With Couch Detectives you can search for crime postings by type of crime, location or both.
More than 2 dozen states are reporting a resurgence of the “Jury Duty Phone Scam,” a particularly alarming crime because callers claim to be law enforcement officers or court officials. The government and judicial system have issued public warnings, but the insidious nature of these calls can involve identity theft, personal bank information, and large amounts of cash requests. This scam affects more than 10 million people a year, and begins with a call from someone claiming to be police, and warning a warrant has been issued for your arrest due to ignoring a jury summons unless you pay a hefty “fine” ASAP. These callers can be very convincing, having gained prior personal information via internet sites on name, birthdate, residence, etc. The government has requested anyone receiving these calls to report them to the Fraud Divisions of the FBI, state courts, and/or your local police headquarters.

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